Managing Social Media for your school or trust
Date: Various
Location: Online
By Zoom – 29th January 2024 9.30am – 11.30am
For primary and secondary school leaders, business managers and school communication leads – anyone responsible for managing or setting up social media in their school.
This 2-hour course covers the importance of social media, how to set up and manage your school’s social media accounts and how to safeguard students and staff . There is time set aside to explore different platforms and tools and to create your school’s own social media content plan.
What will this course cover?
- The latest facts and figures on social media use
- Choosing and setting up social media platforms in a sustainable way
- Finding and creatively sharing stories on different social media
- Engaging stakeholders and building communities
- Managing multiple social media accounts in a busy school
- Safeguarding students and staff and ensuring your social media policies comply with the latest Government guidelines.
Course Leader
Simon Hepburn spent 10 years working in marketing in industry and consultancy. This included managing a £1.5m advertising budget for Reed, advising Vodafone on improving its image as an employer, and developing a new practice in one of the UK’s leading reputation management consultancies, Communications Management. He retrained as a teacher at the Institute of Education, London, and spent 11 years working as a full-time teacher and Head of Department in both state and private schools. He has worked with over 350 schools around the world and has written two books – ‘Marketing Your School’ and ‘Recruiting Teachers’.